Saturday, July 18, 2009

cool pianist

the night was so cold
i heard something that comfort my heart
something that really sweet, melodious and beautiful
feel like i wanna run and try to find where's the sounds come from
then finally i climb over the hedge and found a white fairy was playing a piano beautifully..

she's awesome. that's all i can say. yesterday night when i was really tired at work i heard something that really really relaxed my mind..after i finished work i found out that this super old lady was playing a piano(keyboard) beautifully just infront of my shop(workplace) i saw her before actually and i still adore her. she's really cool and fantastic. even her appearance looks more like a bad wizard that give a poisoned apple to the snow white but yes i think her music poisoned me.


  1. wow.. i think she looks like a "wizard grand ma" (nenek sihir) than a white fairy lol
    she brought her keyboard and played in the street?wew kewl at her age which is not so young again, how could she bring her keyboard?

  2. i'm not sure bout that. but i think she brought everythig by her self.probably. but she's incredibly cool. gaya maennya bnr2 udh ky nenek sihir mgkn gr2 appearanceny gtu. hihih
